On Friday, 26 June 2020, Ilitha Labantu joined the #GetRapeOutOfSchools peaceful demonstration held by former students of Table View High School. The demonstration comes after a long history of sexual assault allegations, incidents of racism and bullying that has occurred in the school dating back to 2007 - all of which the school has vehemently denied. The most recent incident of sexual assault involved a teacher whom on countless times the students have complained about - but the matter was never properly addressed and no investigation was conducted. As an organization that fights against the violence that is perpetrated on women and children for 31 years, we stand in solidarity with the former students of Table View High and call upon this matter to be urgent looked into. Far too often the voice and concerns of young people are silenced by institutions of learning who want to protect their reputation and image, in turn this places the lives of students at risk as they can fall victim to sexual assault. R
ape culture in institutions of learning must come to an end.